Friday, May 8, 2009

Always Placing Myself Last

Why, why, why do women continue to put themselves last??? Why do we perpetually place ourselves at the bottom of the priority list? We know we shouldn't do it, but over and over, time and time again, we put our needs last. Family, work, community -- we make time for them.

All the while knowing, in the back of our mind, that we need to be doing something for "me." Something like exercise. Something like taking the time to chop veggies for a healthy snack. Something like making time to think, to reflect, to plan. Something like reading that good article in Prevention or Health.

I have promised myself over and over to make/take time for me....yet I continue to repeat history and place myself last time.

Has anyone found the magic potion to cure this "I-am-last" disease?!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

History Repeats Itself, DagGoneIt!

....but with my tacit permission (which I am loathe to own up to).

Over a month has gone by and I've let my fitness goals slip. No entries in the blog is a sad visible sign. The blue jeans feeling tighter is another sign. The empty gumdrop bag hidden in the trash can is an even sadder sign.

This quote by Samuel Beckett sums up where I am: "Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. "

Off to try again!