Monday, June 22, 2009


Did you hear that?! That was the sound of me....falling hard off the weight loss lifestyle wagon...again. Let's see, that's how many times? No, let's not count 'em, too dismal, too depressing a number. What's in my favor is that I do eventually climb back on. Sustaining the momentum is the tricky part for me.

I know this sounds totally wacko but it's like there are two women living in my brain.

One savvy gal totally gets it: can quote nutritional info right and left, can assess a proper portion size with the same savvy as sniffing out a fake Chanel handbag, has a heart monitor, has a fitness routine created by a personal trainer, can fill out a daily food log like nobody's business. That gal has her own section of my closet filled with lovely form-fitting clothes that hug her toned body.

Oh, but it's that other gal who is the total bad influence. You know, the kind your Mom told you to stay away from. This gal is a food and fitness slob. She'll down a whole bag of gumdrops and have the nerve to feel virtuous since they are fat-free! She piles on the extra cheese on an extra cheese pizza and takes delight on getting lots of calcium that day. She muffles the shouts of savvy gal with oversize shirts and elastic weight pants. Her voice is the siren song of wicked indulgence, and when she sings, I sing with her and sit on top of savvy gal so we won't hear her shrieks of portion control, too much fat, watch out for the sugar!

Please please tell me, dear friends. Is there an army of evil, wicked chubby bunny twins out there?


  1. You're not alone. I can totally relate as I know exactly what I should do but constantly fight doing it. And the funny thing is that when I'm doing what I should do, I actually feel better and am happier. So why do I have to fight myself all of the time? I don't really know.

    This is why I believe the key is a lifestyle change. Once a new lifestyle becomes habit, the fight should go away. I started my new lifestyle in March 2009 and have had a few "pauses" along the way but keep plodding along. Although I still have to fight sometimes, it is getting easier. Keep hangin' in there!


  2. Drew -- hooray on the lifestyle're 4 months into the journey and it sounds like you are tackling the beasts!

  3. I've been leading a healthy lifestyle for a year now. And the "fat" girl in me still fights her way to the surface every now and again. She likes to sleep in when I want to exercise in the morning, she loves marshmallow fluff when I know it's only sugar in disguise, she craves ring dings when I'm trying to buy healthy stuff in the supermarket. I've found ways to quiet her down over the past year, but I don't think she'll ever really go away. I just make sure I'm vigilant, give in once in a while, and set goals that even she knows she can't overthrow anymore.
    Keep fighting. Savvy girl will win in the end!

  4. Thanks for the encouraging words...sounds like my fat internal lady may be a part of life...but I need to learn to keep her zipped up.
