Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Siren Song Of Thin Mint Cookies

My NU4You program is still producing results for me. Or maybe I should really say that I am producing results for me. I really want to be thin. I won't want to be fat anymore. I don't feel good fat. I don't look good fat. I don't like myself fat. And, for the first time in quite a few years, those thoughts really do circle about in my head and heart when I faced with food temptation. Woohoo!

Case in point: Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies. In years past, I would buy 12 boxes from 6 different Girl Scouts. Buying 2 boxes is kinda respectable, it's for a good cause and all. You maybe get a raised eyebrow as the too-pert-little-kid mentally speculates if you are going to eat both boxes yourself. Buying 12 boxes is just too obvious a fact that you have no life and that you will absolutely, positively devour all 12 boxes all by yourself.

Anyway, this year I did not buy a single box of Girl Scout cookies. My good hubby, on the other hand, purchased 4 boxes -- including one Thin Mints. The day they were delivered felt like a sweet gremlin had invaded my pantry. For a couple weeks they blessedly, blissfully remained unopened. Then, just yesterday afternoon, hubby decides he wants hot chocolate and Thin Mints. OMG.

The box sat tantalizing close on the coffee table. The chocolate, minty aroma filled the living room. Yet I looked at the open sleeve of cookies laying there like they were a plague that I needed to avoid at all costs. Where did that spine of steel come from??? Don't have a clue but I am totally loving it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Coco hang in there. Take it one day at a time. Kudos for resisting the thin mints. You're on your way!
